Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Finishing the job...

Found out the Emperor is still in Solitude...along with Maro...

going to kill them and anyone else I got to to see the debt is paid

Vengeance sayeth the Night Mother

Astrid is dead. The betrayer was betrayed...

she made a deal to protect the brotherhood and got screwed...the sanctuary is dead as most of the brothers and sisters...it's only me, Babette and Nazir...everyone else is MIA or KIA...

the night mother saved me and gave me orders to see the death of the emperor thru...

Never trust a woman in power...

Astrid you bitch...when I find you I will kill you...i will go through the whole brotherhood if i have to...I know they are "innocent" and ignorant  of your crimes but if you manipulate them against me i will kill them all too..

Saturday, July 30, 2016

I made my bed....

I've been thinking I made the wrong choice in the Empire...I believe in order but The Thalmor and the whole Talos thing has me doubting myself and this world...

but I have a chance to do something about it...I got a job from the brotherhood that could set into motion big changes...

Sunday, July 24, 2016

I bought land today...

note...I've been playing a while now so this is just jumping in to where I'm at now...

I bought land near Falkreath today at Lakeview manor. With a name like that you would think it serene. NOPE...When I got there there were bandits, wolves, spiders and some creepy ass alter right behind the house near the lake and there was a creepy ass cultist/witch/mage. I stood my ground and didn't wait to ask questions...shoot first when it comes to the homestead...was going to move the family but having second thoughts...5000 gold down the drain