Saturday, July 30, 2016

I made my bed....

I've been thinking I made the wrong choice in the Empire...I believe in order but The Thalmor and the whole Talos thing has me doubting myself and this world...

but I have a chance to do something about it...I got a job from the brotherhood that could set into motion big changes...

Sunday, July 24, 2016

I bought land today...

note...I've been playing a while now so this is just jumping in to where I'm at now...

I bought land near Falkreath today at Lakeview manor. With a name like that you would think it serene. NOPE...When I got there there were bandits, wolves, spiders and some creepy ass alter right behind the house near the lake and there was a creepy ass cultist/witch/mage. I stood my ground and didn't wait to ask questions...shoot first when it comes to the homestead...was going to move the family but having second thoughts...5000 gold down the drain